Monday, October 18, 2010

The Caps Lock Light

I am ashamed. ):

I've failed to update for... more than a month now? Jeez. Nothing entertaining has happened that I can extend into a multi-paragraph blog post. My life is too average (You see what I did there? Heh.). I thought about writing about things that fill me with terror that really shouldn't but all I could come up with was the doorbell/telephone and the school bus turning the corner every morning in the dark, and being illuminated by its headlights as it roars closer... and closer... OH GOD IT'S GOING TO EAT ME.

But I can't really extend on those ideas.


Right now there's a little light on my keyboard indicating that the caps lock is on.


Well, it wasn't...

But when I turned it on, the light went off. It's supposed to come on. MY KEYBOARD IS HAVING BRAIN TROUBLES.

Seriously, though, it's been driving me insane. As I sit there in the dark, working intently on some "super important" drawing/IM conversation, there's always that tiny blue light nagging at the edges of my consciousness... Taunting me... I MUST TURN IT OFF. But then all my words are in caps lock and I don't want that because it makes me sound like I'm screaming when I'm really not. I don't like to scream all the time. It makes me seem like an angry person. I'm not an angry person.

I think I might be a little OCD. Just a little. (No, I'm not covering the light up with my pinkie while I type this... Not at all...)

Is this a symptom of its zombification? What if it spreads?

...What if I'm a zombie, and I don't even know it?

I don't think I want to eat brains... No, not really...

This is all your fault, caps lock light. Stop being a rebel and just do what you're supposed to do. Are you trying to give me a mental disorder? I think you may be succeeding. Good job. Go home.

... Seriously, you can turn off now.

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